
söndag 12 februari 2012

Nicole and I pulled an all-nighter again, lol. But this time we actually managed to stay awake all day and evening, thought Nicole slept an hour or so at Tess and JENZiiH's place and I slept like an hour when we got home. Soo, now I'm kinda alert and I think Nicole is too. We should probably try to sleep soon again so we wont fuck up our sleeping routine even more, buuut we'll see how it goes.

So yesterday we went to Timrå to buy some candy for the night and we thought we could go and see Tess and JENZiiH since we missed out on going swimming with them on the friday. We chilled out with them watching a Chinese movie and it was quite good actually. We also watched Melodifestivalen and stuuffs.

Tomorrow (or later today if I'm going to be correct,lol) Nicole will do some make-up on me and herself. Then we're probably going to take some pictures and then just maaaay get to my blog if so.

Mata ne!

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