Can't even find words.

lördag 4 februari 2012

It's hard to find words right now. I'm so tierd of people who lies, I've told my friends so many times "PLEASE BE HONEST, if you want to do something else or if you just don't want to, please tell me that instead of lying" since it always comes to the light anyway. I get so disappointed...

I've caught a flu or something. But I don't want to lay in bed all day, I want to do other things to. So tomorrow I'll probably go to Ikea with my mom and look for a new bed, buy lens solution, a new lipstick (again since my little sister totally destroyed it) and also a EXTREMLY cozy blanket that my brother had bought for his daughter lol! I really need the lens solution and the blanket so if my mom decides not to go to Birsta I'll have to go myself. 

And also, it's fucking -22 celsius out right now. Before it was like -25 ... so It's really cold

Mata ne!

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